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Parasite Control

Help keep those pesky parasites at bay

Pengelly and Mizen Vets offer Free nurse consults to discuss parasite control plans for your pet, here are a few reasons why this is so important.

For more advice on tackling parasites, contact us to book your FREE flea, worm or tick consult. We'll examine your pet, explain your options for treatment and answer any questions you might have.


  • Did you know that nearly every puppy and kitten is born with worms? They can be infected with them through drinking their mothers milk, or while they are in the womb. Roundworms and Tapeworms are the most common types, they live in the puppy/kitten's guts.
  • Worms live in lots of different places. Roundworm eggs are passed in animal faeces and develop into infectious larvae. Tapeworm eggs are often found in the soil but can also be caught if your pet ingests a flea for example when cleaning itself. Dogs which eat slugs or snails can be infected with lungworm which can cause damage to the respiratory tract and may be fatal.
  • Signs of worms can include 'scooting' weight loos, increased appetite, vomitting and/or diarrhoea.
  • Animals with worms can infect humans. Regular worming treatments and clearing up dog mess quickly, as well as good hand hygiene can help reduce the risk of worm transmission.
  • Younger pets need worming more regularly, but the average adult cat or dog needs worming four times a year (at three monthly intervals).


  • Fleas are tiny, wingless insects that feed on your pet's blood. One flea can lay up to 50 eggs a day, and up to 1,000 eggs in it's lifetime. Cats in particular can be prone to having an allergic reaction to fleas, causing red, itchy spots on their skin.
  • Fleas can transmit diseases such as tapeworms or myxomatosis in rabbits. A large flea burden in young or weak animals can cause anaemia due to blood loss.
  • Scratching and nibbling may mean that your pet has fleas. They move quickly so can be hard to spot. You may also notice small black spots in their coat.
  • Flea treatments come in injectable, spot-on and oral tablet forms. House sprays should be used on the furniture and carpets.
  • Dog flea treatments can be toxic to cats.


  • A tick is a parasite that attaches to the pets skin and sucks their blood. If not removed they can remain attached for around five days.
  • Ticks can cause abscesses and infections. They may feed on humans as well as animals and can transmit a serious disease called Lymes disease.
  • If ticks are not removed properly the head and jaws can be left behind in the pets skin, causing an infection.
  • Ticks should not be brunt or frozen off but should be twisted off with a special tick remover. These can be purchased from the vets or we can do it for you for a small charge.
  • Ticks can be prevented with an appropriate treatment. Talk to us for more details.